Italy is the largest rice producer in Europe, with extensive cultivation areas.
Rice cultivation in Italy is concentrated in the regions of Lombardy and Piedmont, between the provinces of Milan, Pavia, Vercelli, Alessandria and Novara.
This area comprises approximately 200,000 ha of rice that produce 90% of Italian rice. The fertile soil, the right climate and the availability of water from the Alps, make the region an ideal place to grow rice.
Another rice area is Sardinia which, due to its favorable climate, is mainly dedicated to the reproduction of high quality seeds.
For European rice producers Italy is the reference area where more technical and technological advances in rice management are applied.
Since 2011, EDYPRO biotechnologia is present in these Italian lands, applying its specific biotech products for rice cultivation.
Ss 31 km 19.700, 15030 Villanova Monferrato (Alessandria, Italia)
Tel. 0142483159
Via dell`Industria, 13 , 20080 Calvignasco (Milan, Italia)
Tel. 0290849500
BOIERI s.n.c di Boieri Dante & C.
Viale dei Tigli, 17, 28100 Pernate (Novara, Italia)
Tel. 0321636399
Fallarini Agricoltura s.n.c.
Via S. Adalgiso, 3, 28015 Momo (Novara, Italia)
Tel. 0321926213