On Thursday August 27 the 2015 Rice Field Day organized by IRTA (Agriculture Research Center based in Spain).
EDYPRO biotechnology, as specialists in rice cultivation, presented the results of their demonstration plots with the products ROOT RICE, EDYFRUIT ARROZ and COUPÈ REGENERATION Plus.
Those attending the conference were able to exchange opinions, answer questions and see firsthand the results.
Attendees were able to exchange opinions, answer questions and see firsthand the results.
With the results presented of ROOT RICE applications, we have demonstrated the importance of their use for uniform germination of the plants, reducing losses of plant seed and adverse weather conditions (high winds, strong contrasts of temperatures, etc.) while is achieved rapid and great development of the root system, the largest number of hairs absorbing and assimilation of all fertilizer is provided.
ROOT RICE shortens the phenological stages from planting until the first herbicide application, allowing in this way to act on weeds with more sensitive stages, and herbicides act in a most successful way.
On the other hand, we also noted that ROOT RICE reduces waterfowl damage because after 15 days of planting, rice plants begin to cover the water and thus the period of risk of attack is reduced. At the same time noted that chironomid attacks appear at the end of May and in June; If sowing is made early (late April, early May) with ROOT RICE, when the period of risk of chironomids arrives the plant is already starting the tillering and ceases to be sensitive to this pest.
Farmers expressed their full and reiterated confidence in EDYFRUIT ARROZ. During the presentation we have explained how the product stimulates the productive factors of the plants genome, quickly re-establishes the root system damaged by the application of herbicides. Thanks to this is achieved to emphasize and standardize the tillering, resulting that the panicles of the tillers of the plant are of equal size and quality as of the main stem.
EDYFRUIT ARROZ lengthens the vegetative activity during the milky phase and increases the percentage of integers, decreasing the spotted grains and on lands with high productive potential, increases the average yield.
Finally, we have tabled the spectacular results of the COUPÈ REGENERATION Plus application.
COUPÈ REGENERATION Plus, applied pre-sawing, actives significantly cationic exchange, achieving the optimal uptake of nutrients from the soil and provided by fertilizers.
We have also obtained important results in other cultivars in Spain and in other rice producing areas in Europe, applying Post-harvesting on the COUPÈ REGENERATION Plus 60 L / ha to facilitate the decomposition of the plant remains during the winter period. In this case the product acts by activating the decomposition of straw and achieves a high ratio C / N in the soil of crop, which determines the productive potential of the cultivation of rice.